It was in 2008 that the idea was born, by Bársonyi István, Tiszaalpár’s cultural manager and Lénárt András, Mikropódium Puppet Theatre former, that a festival of puppet theatre should be included in a cultural map of the region.

The main idea was to invite one-person or smaller group performances that however, do present a higher cultural achievement in the field of puppetry, and bring it to a smaller community, that would otherwise not be able to participate in such an event.

Mirkopódium is a very small company that participated in many festivals all around the world. Its politics of “small but grand” was the inspiration for the festivals concept, and it also gave the possibility of making the festival international, since years of participation on festivals around the world have resulted with some good friendships and partnerships.

The other very important point of view was not to form official jury. The organisers wanted to restore the relation in between the audience and the performer, by giving them the possibility of rewording each other. Further more, festival should also offer the possibility to amateur or non-institutional performers to present themselves to audience if wanted.

From 2009, the festival has formed its name:




The beginning was not simple. As usual the financial side of the festival was hard to accomplish. The local government, especially the cultural official Bársony István, tried to bring up the amount, necessary for at the least a minimal start.

A colleague of Lénárt András from the United States, Kristin Hurst, puppeteer and contemporary clown, was the first international guest to the festival.

The festival takes place in the same time as the traditional spring festivities of the village.

It started on the 1st of May 2009. In its two-day program it combined, not just puppet performances, but also many other cultural events like dance and folkdance productions, presentation of local traditions and crafts exhibition and workshops, chess championship and nature-preservation playhouses.

The puppeteers that performed on the first festival were warmly approved by local audience. Performers were Kristin Hurst with her street performance “The Tin Cup”, Lénárt András with his “Stop” and Aracs Eszter with “Gulyás Terka, avagy aki a műzlit nem szereti rossz ember nem lehet…”

With them there were also 2 special guests, children from Tiszaalpár performing sketches in western style with paper horses, and Radó Vilmos Theatre with “Virágok királynője” musical play.