would like to draw your attention to MIKROPODIUM Family Puppet Theatre's
It is a simplified, miniaturised
version of Creation. András Lénárt uncovers his God, a troll-like figure, in
a mound of fine sand whence life springs. He unearths two tiny figures, one male
and one female, draws them together under a tree, under which, as the sequence
draws to a close, dangles, an apple.
It is an inversion of HAPPY DAYS. There is an atmosphere of Beckett surrounding
this prelapsarian piece. Allis accomplished in twenty minutes, on a space he
size of a card table, lit by candles. God is no more than a little finger. The
technique or manipulation /the figure is controlled by wires from the back/ is
exposed – Lénart’s dexterity serves simply to enhance the sense of wonder.”